How can I view the cellular signal strength for my MX system?

This article details the cellular signal strength values that you can extract via the MX Field App from your MX system.

Product applicability

The following products are discussed in this article:

  • MX Series: R920-MX, R829-MX, R247-MX, CHEVRON-MX, WWD-MX and SPEEDCHECK-MX

Under the MX Power Module screen you can view the cellular signal strength for your system:

  1. Tap on the Modules.
  2. Tap on the MX Power Module.
  3. Tap on Signal Strength.
    1. Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) = bandwidth available based on signal strength.
    2. Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) = strength of signal.

Cellular Signal Strength (RSRP)

Value Description
> -80 dBm Excellent
-80 to 90 dBm Good
-90 to -100 dBm Fair to Good
< -100 dBm No Signal

Cellular Signal to Noise Ratio (SINR)

Value Description
>20 dB Excellent
13 to 20 dB Good
0 to 13 dB Fair to Good
< 0 dB No Signal
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