What are the maintenance items and operational checks I should perform on an annual basis for my Carmanah MX Series beacon or radar speed sign?

This article provides a checklist of items to cover when performing annual maintenance or operational checks for your Carmanah MX Series systems.

Product applicability

The following products are discussed in this article:

  • MX Series: R920-MX, R829-MX, R247-MX, CHEVRON-MX, WWD-MX, and SPEEDCHECK-MX

Please see the list below for items to check and verify when performing your annual system maintenance and checks.

Description MX Beacons SPEEDCHECK-MX
Ensure solar panel is clean X X
Ensure solar panel is facing south X X
Ensure solar panel is not obstructed by new objects, like trees X X
Clean exterior of solar engine or cabinet X X
Clean exterior of radar speed sign   X
Check for vandalism or damage X X
Clean interior of solar engine or cabinet X X
Check battery voltage and note age of battery for potential replacement X X
Use battery tester on battery, if available X X
Ensure all fuses are in tact X X
Ensure power supply is producing 15 VDC to system (AC only) X X
Ensure beacon/RRFB is facing oncoming traffic or in the correct orientation for your application X  
Clean exterior of beacon/RRFB X  
Push the button and ensure all systems light up at crossing. Perform the same for all buttons at crossing X  
Ensure 24-hour beacon is flashing continuously X  
Radar speed sign is picking up traffic at desired range   X
Display is showing proper speed and digits are functional (Identify System function in MX Field App)   X

Some items or actions may not be applicable based on your application.

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