[2021] SpeedCheck® product update - new feature: violation alert flash rate adjustment
This article details an update to SpeedCheck Manager for setting the LED display digit flash rate when the violation alert speed threshold has been met or exceeded: when it occurred, how it works, and more.
Product applicability
The following products are discussed in this article:
- SpeedCheck: SPEEDCHECK-15 and SPEEDCHECK-18
When did this update occur
SpeedCheck Manager began supporting the violation alert flash rate adjustment starting in 2021 Q4.
What software version is required
This feature requires SpeedCheck Manager version or newer.
What firmware version is required
This feature requires firmware version 10.05 or newer.
What hardware version is required
This feature requires the updated programmable controller below:
Theory of operation
This new setting is found on the Device Setup tab under the button Violation Alert Flash Rate (FPM):
The violation alert feature flashes the speed detected once the user changeable value has been met or exceeded. With this software update, we have added the ability to adjust the flash rate when the violation alert feature is active. By default, the flash rate will be 109 flashes per minute (FPM). The range that can be adjusted is 30 - 150 FPM. The higher the value, the more quickly the digits will flash.
To download the latest revision of SpeedCheck Manager, please refer to this article.