What is required for a Polara iNX/iDX push button retrofit?

This article contains information on the requirements for retrofitting a Polara iNX/iDX push button into a compatible Carmanah beacon system.

Product applicability

The following products are discussed in this article:

  • Legacy: SC315 and R920
  • E Series: R920-E and R820-E
  • F Series: R920-F and R820-F
  • G Series: SC315-G and R820-G

Carmanah began supporting the Polara iNX/iDX push button in new installations starting 2020 Q4. A few of the benefits of the Polara iNX/iDX compared to its predecessor (Model X) are:

  • Reduced cost
  • Reduced power draw
  • No external control board required
  • Easier installation
  • ADA compliance using smaller Carmanah system (R920-E), if sustainable
  • Integrated Bluetooth with companion app for programming
  • Contactless activation sensor (iDX only)


A Solar Power Report (SPR) must be obtained from Carmanah in order to determine if the Polara iNX/iDX retrofit will be sustainable for your location. Please provide the following information when contacting Carmanah or your distributor:

  • Location of the installation (Google Street View link preferred)
  • Serial number of the system
  • Age of the system
  • Firmware version of the Energy Management System (EMS)

The following systems are compatible with a Polara iNX/iDX retrofit:

Model¹ Existing Push Button EMS Minimum Firmware Version² New EMS Needed³
R920 Polara Bulldog Yes (if not at version or greater)

Polara Bulldog

Polara Model X Yes (if not at version or greater)
R920-E Polara Bulldog Yes (if not at version or greater)

Polara Bulldog

Polara Model X Yes (if not at version or greater)

Polara Bulldog

Polara Model X Yes (if not at version or greater)

¹ Not all legacy systems or configurations may be compatible

² There is a wide range of firmware versions that have been deployed over several hardware releases. Version is for systems that are able to change the input type, “inpt”, between these options - NO, NC, BTTN.

³ EMS firmware is not field upgradable

The current firmware version is found via the on-board user interface menu:

Retrofit kits are available from Carmanah. If you have a Polara iNX/iDX retrofit opportunity, contact Carmanah.

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