Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Can I add a backplate to my RRFBs?
- Can I add battery backup to my AC powered G Series system?
- Can I run larger than 18 AWG wire to RRFB light bars?
- Can my warning beacon system be radar activated by vehicles or cyclists?
- Gen 3 Beacon Systems Component Images and Details
- How can I activate my beacon system from within the power cabinet or solar engine?
- How can I connect a third-party trigger to my Carmanah beacon system?
- How can I download and analyze the data from my WW200 Vehicle Detection and Warning System?
- How do I correctly wire RRFB fixtures for compliant operation?
- How do I find my product serial number?
- How do I inspect the Ambient Brightness Sensor cover?
- How do I monitor or program my Applied Information (AI) equipped beacon/radar speed signs remotely?
- How do I replace the Energy Management System (EMS) in my beacon system?
- How do I replace the solar panel for my solar engine based beacon system?
- How far away from the pedestrian crossing waiting area should I mount the SmartWalk XP-S passive detection sensor?
- How many light bars (RRFBs) can I sustainably connect to my E/F/G Series system?
- My system has a clear adhesive cover on top and it has become damaged. What can I do?
- Replacement Beacon Systems Components
- The stainless steel mounting hardware on the G Series cabinet are galling, what can I do?
- What are the maintenance items and operational checks I should perform on an annual basis for my Carmanah beacon system or radar speed sign?