How many push buttons can I connect to my beacon system?

This article details the maximum number of push buttons that can be connected to Carmanah beacon systems.

Product applicability

The following products are discussed in this article:

  • E Series: R920-E and R820-E
  • F Series: R920-F and R820-F
  • G Series: SC315-G and R820-G
  • Push buttons:
    • Polara - Bulldog, iNX, iDX
    • Campbell - 4 EVR MOAB, Guardian, Guardian Wave, Guardian Mini

The E/F Series systems are fully prewired by Carmanah and are more limited than the G Series cabinet-based systems. Please refer to the table below.

Product Type Prewired Push Button Connections Available
E Series (R920-E) Solar Engine Yes 1¹
F Series (R920-F) Solar Engine Yes 1¹
G Series (SC315-G) Power Cabinet No² 2³

¹The maximum number of push button cables that can be prewired is one. It is possible to wire in more than one push button but it requires paralleling the wiring to the existing cable. Contact Carmanah for further clarification.

²Terminal blocks are exposed to the end-user. Everything up to the terminal blocks is prewired by Carmanah for convenience.

³The exposed terminal blocks are ready for a total of two push button, assuming you double up the connectors on the terminal blocks. Stacking more than two ring terminals is not advised and should be broken out into Wago splicing connectors instead when using more than two buttons. 

Contact Carmanah if adding higher power draw talking push buttons to ensure the added load will be sustainable for your installation.

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