What do I need to know about commissioning new Carmanah products?
Refer to the steps below and Carmanah's user manuals to commission your product.
All Carmanah products come pre-configured from the factory. However, in the event that product functionality issues arise during the commissioning stage, here are some things to check:
1. Crosswalk beacon systems (R920-E, R920-F and SC315-G / R820-E, R820-F and R820-G)
Crosswalk beacon systems generally use a pedestrian push button for actuation and a radio to communicate with other systems.
What to check:
- Input type is set to button ("bttn")
- Radio is enabled
- Systems intended to communicate to one another are set to the same radio channel
Note: All Carmanah beacon systems have a diagnostic feature on the user interface that displays whether or not a radio is detected. This is denoted as: "rAdo" "dEt."
If the system is intended to have a radio and is not displaying the above menu setting, it could mean either:
a) There is no radio present, or
b) The radio is not functioning correctly
2. 24-7 beacon systems (R247-E, R247-F and R247-G)
24-7 flashing beacon systems should begin to operate as soon as the batteries are installed and connected via the system fuses.
When commissioning, here are some things to check:
- Input type is set to NC (normally closed; "nc")
- LED loads are connected correctly
3. School zone beacon systems (R829-E, R829-F and R829-G)
School zone beacon systems generally run off of either the Carmanah internal calendar, the Applied Information remote programming and monitoring platform, or a third-party time switch.
When commissioning, here are some things to check:
- Input type is set to NO, or normally open ("no")
- LED loads are connected correctly
- Internal calendar has been configured and uploaded correctly; this includes sending the current time and date to the system controller
- Applied Information connectivity or other third-party devices are correctly configured and are providing a "contact closure" to the beacon controller input during the designated times and dates
4. Radar Speed Signs (SPEEDCHECK-15 and SPEEDCHECK-18)
Carmanah radar speed signs are designed to run autonomously or via the internal calendar function, the Applied Information remote programming and monitoring platform, or a third-party time switch or other input device.
When commissioning, there are some things to check:
For autonomous operation:
- Display is turned on
- Speed limit and violation speeds are set appropriately
For scheduled operation:
- Time and date are set